Gallery coming back soon! What better way to celebrate the body in motion than a day at the beach with races and contests. Our undressing/dressing race - leapfrog - no running nor walking race - bubblegum bubbles - body sculptures - sand scuptures - nature costumes. Then, finally, presentation of awards!
On-camera: (too many to list - 26 people)
Photos by: Taz, Digits, AndyO, BW, Zach, Nomad
Beach Bodyfest 2010
Beach Bodyfest 2010
gallery-1 103 photos We start to arrive at the remote beach and set up camp. People are happy to get out of their clothes.
gallery-2 118 photos It's cool and overcast this morning so we run down the beach to warm up.
gallery-3 116 photos The first contest - the dressing and undressing race. Clothes are removed, put back on and removed while running.
gallery-4 115 photos We do the same race again, then a leapfrog race. It's good to have sand underfoot.
gallery-5 137 photos We form groups and create structures with our bodies by climbing onto each other.
gallery-6 122 photos The next contest had everyone comparing tattoos and then we had to see who could blow the biggest bubble.
gallery-7 124 photos People can propel themselves any way they want for this race, except they can't walk or run.
gallery-8 110 photos Groups again, work on sand sculptures to see who can come up with the most imaginative.
gallery-9 94 photos The sand sculptures finally start to take shape.
gallery-10 119 photos Each group sand sculpture is assessed and photos are taken of the artists
gallery-11 142 photos The final contest is for the creation of the best nature costume.
gallery-12 127 photos The three contestants show their stuff.
gallery-13 134 photos Awards for the day were presented. There were two ties so 5 people were awarded.
gallery-14 125 photos by Spencer and Jon Free to play now, many rush to the inviting surf.
gallery-15 105 photos As most people pack up, some find it hard to leave while sharing massages.
We found a new beach location that would prove to be very private. Pomponio Beach is not often visited because there is only roadside parking and the couple of possible trails down to the beach can be difficult to hike depending on recent erosion. I don't remember seeing anyone other than our group the whole day. As mentioned before, the weather along the coast is unpredictable. It is rarely "hot" but mostly "warm enough" provided people keep active. The sun finally came out later in the day, also a usual pattern. This day was another attempt to establish a yearly "bodyfest" beach event. Later I came to the conclusion that it would be better to do something inland where it is warm and easy to get to. Though, there is nothing that can replace the presence of the ocean and a vast stretch of sandy beach.