We're in southern California on famed Blacks Beach with this group of local friends out for an afternoon of naked beach fun. This beach has a long history of nudist acceptance and is a wonderful place to visit any day. Over the beach is a hang glider port so there are usually a number of human kites floating around high above.
On-camera: Goata, Flux, Duncan, JJ, Heather, RaggedyAnn, Alex
Photos: Big Jim, Nomad
gallery-1 113 photos We shed clothing as soon as possible and jump right into climbing, running and splashing!
gallery-2 101 photos The Califoinia surf is so much fun, especially when clothing-free.
gallery-3 121 photos What happens when a wet body rolls in the sand? Many variations seen here!
gallery-4 119 photos Of course now the sand needs to be washed off.
gallery-5 106 photos Let's get creative with some interesting group shots.
A young woman with the nickname "Goata" contacted me after hearing about the excursions I was organizing and said she had a bunch of friends who were interested. They were in San Diego. I was working out of the San Francisco area. While setting up to do a bunch of shoots in a row, I decided to do the following: set a shoot for Blacks Beach with Goata's group and on that day fly from SF down to San Diego, rent a car, meet up with everyone and do the outing, then fly back to SF - all in one day. I only had one other photo-person to help me, Big Jim, who would drive down from LA. On the day, his car broke down and he arrived late. So his photos start about half way through. Before he got there I was shooting video and stills back and forth, sometimes handing my still camera to one of the participants. It was a real fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants day.