We were lucky to get some warmth and sunshine on this May 1st in this San Francisco neighborhood. A small group got together to spruce up Piggy Sue's garden. But it wasn't all work. There was some play too with mud body painting, and group massage. Lisa and Kiki just had to climb the tree. Nude gardening is a popular pastime all over the world - something about getting right down there in the dirt with all of your body. On-camera: Brett, Crissy, Yosef, Kiki, Piggy Sue, Lisa Video: Spencer
World Naked Gardening Day
World Naked Gardening Day
gallery-1 79 photos by Spencer Get rid of those clothes and get close to the earth! Work on the garden begins.
gallery-2 68 photos by Spencer with a few by Kiki and Crissy The sun beats down on the hard-working naked gardeners. The garden is really coming to life.
gallery-3 35 photos by Spencer with a few by Crissy They simply could not resist climbing the tree! Kiki and Lisa swing around like monkeys.
gallery-4 88 photos by Spencer Time to relax with massages. Then they get creative with mud body-painting. Washing it all off is the most fun.
video-1 4:15 shooting by Spencer Gardening is underway when Lisa arrives and joins the group digging and planting.
video-2 5:35 shooting by Spencer Tree climbing, massaging, mud painting and washing off. A great day in the garden!
I wanted to see what would happen if I arranged for an event without actually going, without being there to guide the process. Spencer had been on several previous outings and he did a pretty decent job coordinating and shooting. I think the massages and mud painting was his idea.
He also had a fairly new HD camera and I encourged him to do some videography as well as photography, hence the 10 minutes of video presented here. This backyard is in downtown San Francisco and prior to our shoot neighbors with overlooking windows were asked if they would object to a bunch of naked people doing some gardening. There were no objections and no one was seen spectating. San Francisco is mostly like that.
There are plans to do a bigger Naked Gardening Day event some time. We just need to find a good place to hold it.