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Movies from the Naked Club - page 2

PLEASE NOTE - we now have our own movie streaming website! You can still purchase or rent these titles at our Video-on-Demand channel on the VIMEO website. But we now have our own streaming website here: movies.naked-club.org. The price per video is about the same on the 2 platforms, BUT on ours you get a discount when you add a bunch of movies into our cart and check out that way. So, we recommend that rather than clicking the links below, instead go to movies.naked-club.org... you can preview and order there and it will cost you less and we do not pay commissions to Vimeo. Thanks!
a giant naked bubble
new movies
new movies
First Time Nudists Video
First Time Nudists
First Time Nudists

35 minutes - HD video
Rypsynique takes two girlfriends to the beach. Little do they know it is a nude beach and it takes more than just a little coaxing to get them to shed their clothing. Before long they embrace the freedom and joy of being naked in nature even if it means facing the cold surf of the Pacific Ocean.

First Time Nudists

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vimeo vod
Click to see the trailer!
Skipping Class to go Skinny Dipping Video
Skipping Class to go Skinny Dipping
Skipping Class to go Skinny Dipping

28 minutes - HD video
UC Berkeley students take a day off classes to motorboat up the Sacramento River in search of skinny-dipping heaven. They leap into the refreshing water. Finding a private beach they play in the sand and smear clay on their bodies. Well worth missing the classes skipped out on.

Skipping Class
to go Skinny Dipping

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vimeo vod
Click to see the trailer!
Dive into Naturism Video
Dive into Naturism
Dive into Naturism
movie-3 also as member clips

30 minutes - HD video
This sandy spot along the American River near Auburn, California is a popular nudist hangout. The group had a busy day of swimming, hiking, climbing and cliff diving. Nature really is a playground for our bodies and souls.

Dive into Naturism

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vimeo vod
Click to see the trailer!
Garden of Eden Video
Garden of Eden
Garden of Eden

50 minutes - HD video
Hike down into the valley, back to a time when humans did not wear clothes. Where are we? The Garden of Eden, of course. Surrounded by the beauty of rushing water and tall redwoods, this group of Santa Cruz friends has a delicious day of free naked abandon.

Garden of Eden

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vimeo vod
Click to see the trailer!
Bodies of Water Video
Bodies of Water
Bodies of Water

50 minutes - HD video
A lakeside afternoon with a group of nude dancers taking a workshop with choreographer Eric Kupers. Free of their clothes everyone feels transformed and energized with creativity. The rhythms of nature flow through their bodies. Filmed at a lake in California.

Bodies of Water

plate image
vimeo vod
Click to see the trailer!