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Our Movies from the Naked Club

PLEASE NOTE - we now have our own movie streaming website! You can still purchase or rent these titles at our Video-on-Demand channel on the VIMEO website. But we now have our own streaming website here: movies.naked-club.org. The price per video is about the same on the 2 platforms, BUT on ours you get a discount when you add a bunch of movies into our cart and check out that way. So, we recommend that rather than clicking the links below, instead go to movies.naked-club.org... you can preview and order there and it will cost you less and we do not pay commissions to Vimeo. Thanks!
a giant naked bubble
new movies
new movies
Dreaming in Color Naked Retreat
The Naked Cuddle Experiment
The Naked Cuddle Experiment

78 minutes - HD video
A few years ago we organized a weekend retreat offering various workshops and activities including this group exploration into intimacy through touch. The class was designed so each individual could choose how to comfortably break through their own close contact insecurities in a non-sexual way.

Naked Cuddle Experiment

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Dreaming in Color Naked Retreat
Dreaming in Color
Dreaming in Color

89 minutes - HD video
Eight friends book a private nature retreat and spend a whole day clothing-free, enjoying yoga, massage, dance, poi spinning, and just plain goofing around. The artificial boundaries of the clothed world melt away and hearts open to pure social enjoyment. True friendship and bonding.

Dreaming in Color

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Night of the Naked Video
Night of the Naked
Night of the Naked

52 minutes - HD video
Our Halloween party! after several performers presented their unique interpretations on body-freedom, the main attraction was a costume contest. The rule was that you could not cover the parts of your body that are generally covered up when swimming in the textile world.

Night of the Naked

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Backyard Bash Video
Walk on the Wild Side
Walk on the Wild Side

26 minutes - HD video
A couple of miles of hiking along an easy trail brings one to this well known skinny dipping spot, Bass Lake. This group of seven young nudists go swimming but also explore a couple of ponds as well as the cliffs overlooking the Pacific while free of clothing.

Walk on the Wild Side

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Backyard Bash Video
Backyard Bash
Backyard Bash

30 minutes - HD video
This time we are staying in the city for a backyard party! Andrew's place has a high fence, green lawn and landscaped garden, not to mention a hot tub! We kept busy with yoga, juggling, eating, water fights, trampoline bouncing and other creative body expressions.

Backyard Bash

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Beach Bums Video
Smooth Sailing
Smooth Sailing

33 minutes - HD video
Sailing out from Sausalito, these clothes-free mariners explore the San Francisco Bay with the wind in their hair and the rest of their bodies too. Swimming in the ocean, dancing in the cabin, climbing the mast to get some amazing photos...

Smooth Sailing

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Beach Bums Video
Beach Bums
Beach Bums

19 minutes - HD video
This group of Berkeley students visits two nude beaches north of Santa Cruz - San Gregorio and it's vast sandy expansive beach, and Shark's Tooth, a rocky and scenic cove near Davenport, California - wonderful playgrounds for naked silliness.

Beach Bums

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vimeo vod
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River Dippers Video
River Dippers
River Dippers
movie-6 also as member clips

40 minutes - HD video
A hike down into a redwood forest valley brings us to the San Lorenzo River by a nice beach with calm wading water. Upstream the water is more lively and we lay across the rocks and let the cool current flow over us. As the sun begins to set we got ready for the performances: fire spinning poi!

River Dippers

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